Too much exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can certainly cause skin irritations and inevitavbly skin cancer. The stats show 18-35 year old males believe they are invincible and at times avoid the use of sunscreens due to ignorance and the greasy feel it leaves on the skin.
With hundreds of sunscreen lotions sold at retail, online and dermatology offices, producing a mens only protection system on a tight budget is not for the faint of heart. Our team needed to determine the most effective way to develop a brand and locate ideal clientele that would desire a premium quality sunscreen, while valuing the sensation it leaves on the skin. Our two part assignment was to drive traffic to the website and ultimately assist in transforming Jacket into a profitable business model.
OGK and Dr. Balshi’s marketing team together joined forces to design a product that is geared for today’s outdoor enthusiast seeking the ultimate in skin protection. Upon completion of consumer exposure focus groups and collecting data from showcasing print and videos samples, we immediately recognized that we had a winner on our hands. From the onset, our team discovered men connected to the total brand platform of the Jacket sunscreen. We published marketing campaigns that were on point, which was crucial since our awareness budget was tight and the competition was overly aggressive. The marketing plan for growing the business included an in-office video loop to be played within the medical office lobby.
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Our directors of photography called for grabbing the attention of the prospect quickly. Through the use of macro close-ups, interesting angles, depth of field variances, specialty lighting and other craftiness, the visuals were a key component to the overall marketing of the Jacket brand.
In order to hit the key milestones, OGK drafted a content strategy focused on writing blog posts, vivacious layouts, inspirational videos and specific landing pages. During the initial phase of the awareness program for Jacket, OGK produced short form video pieces, a targeted website, mood boards for social platforms, brochures for the medical patients and attractive displays for impulse purchase.